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Nonica (Offline)
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Posts: 7
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: California
Tough Situation: Help Needed!!! - 07-21-2009, 04:38 AM

Ok, so here is my problem....

I am 17 and I am an American Student.
During the Summer of 2008 I traveled with a group to Japan and I stayed with a family in Ogaki.I am graduating American Senior High School June 2010, and I have decided to go to Japan after graduation.

I wanted to go into a exchange program, but the one through my school was going to make me miss Graduation, and I was not going to do that. All the other programs wouldn't let me go AFTER High School because I wouldn't be a High School student.

THEN I found out about the GAP year program. If you don't know, a GAP year is taking a break the year between High School and College for traveling. I found the exact program I wanted!!! It was a full academic year in Japan and gave me the opportunity to go to a Japanese High School for a 13th year!!

But it cost $20,000....
So I have decided to plan my own GAP year.

I am looking for a Japanese Senior High School in Ogaki
(possibly Gifu if it is pretty close)
that would accept an American student for an extra year of High School. I have been studying Japanese at home since we have no teachers who teach Japanese, and I am ready to dedicate hours into learning the language.

I would appreciate some help,
it is pretty hard to contact Japan from California....

Please Help!!!


Tako-chan ga suki dess ^_^
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