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07-21-2009, 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post

Sorry to ask, but I thought you said your son was missing 30% of his brain. If his mental development is behind, I doubt he'll have dramatic gender issues. Do you really think sexuality will cross his mind much when he is older?

Anyway, I never agree that people in male or female bodies who think they're the opposite sex inside are anything other than mentally challenged. But, in your sons case, I think he should be able to do whatever he wants. You should support him on it. Hemaphrodites really are a different story than what is going on here.
At this point, he`s about 15 to 30% behind in development. That puts him right on the borderline for mild mental retardation. He`s expected to have an adult IQ of about a 14 to 16 year old.
I have a feeling that 14 to 16 year olds have sexuality cross their minds pretty darned often.

And by the way, a hermaphrodite develops (to some extent) both sets of genitalia. My son did not develop either. It`s called "ambiguous genitalia" and is completely different than hermaphroditism.

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