Originally Posted by alanX
What has America come to...
Too bad this didn`t happen in America.
It's too young. At 16 I was sure of myself and my mind and two years on, my opinions are still the same, but I would not put myself through something that is completely irreversible when at a stage in life where opinions can easily change. You can't even get a tattoo at 16 here, so having life changing surgery is pretty stupid.
But, to be honest, I don't care. I just wouldn't personally do it. It's not hurting anyone.
But not choosing to do anything is also making the choice to put yourself through something completely irreversible. Once puberty hits and the body goes through those changes, you cannot reverse them. So it`s one path or the other - there is no middle road where nothing irreversible happens. You might not be so sure of yourself at 16, but I am fairly certain you were at least sure of what gender you were...