Originally Posted by Tenchu
LOL. I think I'd still look like a drunk gorilla!
I dunno. I can see your point, but I don't think it is right, really. It is a difficult situation.
You want to know, I played with dolls a bit when I was a boy. Not I'm an oversized super angry Muay Thai boxer. But I could have just as easily been gay, and then said I have always been female. I think it is a delusion. Honestly, I just think they're gay, and no gender identity disorder really exists.
I think that probably 95% of the time, it is something along those lines. But I think it is very hard to say that there is no such thing as a gender identity disorder. Other things can go wrong in the human body, so I believe that it`s entirely possible that a hormone/signal/etc to set gender in the brain can either not go through or go through incorrectly. It`s been shown that exposure to (or lack of) hormones during early gestation can wreak havoc in that area - even if they`re natural hormones. In my son`s case, it was pretty darned extreme so physically obvious... But if it were milder there would really be no way to tell.
I don`t believe that anyone should just be able to up and decide to change genders, but there are some cases where it may be alright. It really comes down to how much evaluation and how "real" the situation is. If a kid has honestly identified only with girls from birth on then it`s really hard to say it`s just a phase or has to do with something shorter termed. Even feminine boys still consider themselves boys while playing with dolls.