I think 16 is too early. I even think 18 is early too. 21 would be the perfect age.
Originally Posted by alanX
I don't think a sex change is good at any age.
Sex-changes did play a role in the billions of years of organism that have existed here on Earth. So what's the point? Because you want to be cool? Cliche? Different? Stand-out?
What has America come to...
Dude its not their fault. they dont feel like they belong in the body they are so they have the right t change. Its not because they want to look cool.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
LOL. I think I'd still look like a drunk gorilla!
I dunno. I can see your point, but I don't think it is right, really. It is a difficult situation.
You want to know, I played with dolls a bit when I was a boy. Not I'm an oversized super angry Muay Thai boxer. But I could have just as easily been gay, and then said I have always been female. I think it is a delusion. Honestly, I just think they're gay, and no gender identity disorder really exists.
I juse to play with dolls when I was a lil kid.Why? My only friends then were my cousins that were females.
Originally Posted by alanX
Agreed 100%.
then what do u think gay is? i alway think gays is cuase by hormones problems. Ok, enough with gay thing,. i dont wamt this to get close.