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(#47 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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07-21-2009, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
I'm confused. How can he be genetically male, with no male organs?
I just wish to understand.

As for the topic of this thread. I think 16 is too young, biologically, as typically the body isn't done developing yet.
The same way transgender men can be genetically male without male genitalia. Basically there's three kinds of gender- genetic gender (your chromosomes, XX or XY, unless you're one of those rarities with a double chromosome or a missing/ partially missing chromosome), a mental gender which is usually just referred to as 'gender' and means what You feel you are on the inside, and biological gender or 'sex' which is what your body shows in terms of genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics (things that begin during puberty like beards, boobs, etc). So you can have female chromosomes but a male body, for example (and does happen), or in this case, a male chromosome but an androgynous/indistinct sex.
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