Originally Posted by Zagato289
yeah those things happen. Im also want learn more about how it happens.
I know they do.... but I think to be biologically anything, don't you need to have the body parts, or is the only necessary thing the hormones?
Originally Posted by Zagato289
First, thanks, but i did try that before but didnt work..  Second, no matter what, you still need to watch ur languange or you will get busted.
You must not have done it right then, cause it's real simple.
Originally Posted by alanX
You're a liberal tree-hugger, aren't you? Not bashing... just asking.
It is their fault. They're gay. Bottom line, there's nothing else to it. It's not a mental issue, not a disease, not a self-conscious issue, they're gay. Stop trying to make it difficult.
They want to change because they're gay. And they have a reason to be gay. Usually along the lines of wanting to stand out, or just be different from society, or just to be rebellious. There is no "gay disease" that makes people gay when they're born. That's not how life works, face reality.
What sex person you're into has nothing to do with what sex you feel you are.
Originally Posted by Zagato289
do you know what cuases homosexuallity? It could a disease. No one really knows so far. It can also be just nonsense. Noone knows. But still we have to respect their opinions.
Homosexuality isn't a disease.