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Columbine (Offline)
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07-21-2009, 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
Thank you for explaining this to me. I still don't understand though. I'm sorry.
What didn't you understand. Maybe I can explain it better?

Originally Posted by Quailboy View Post
I'm really not sure where I stand on this..on one hand..I think the idea is fine, getting a sex change, but at that age is it really acceptable? And how did a sex change conversation turn into one about Gay/Lesbians?
Because AlanX and some others argued that people who want a sex change only want it because they're 'gay' and 'people are only gay because want to rebel or stand out'. I disagreed with that opinion.

To get back on topic, to me 16 does seem very young to be making huge life-changing decisions, but in many respects, societies seem to take 16 as an age where legally many adult decisions are allowed and I don't see then, if the person is adamant, and has gone through the proper medical channels, why they shouldn't be allowed to have surgery. I hear there's a limit that the person having the surgery must have lived for an extended period of time 'as' the target gender already and show commitment to their decision. Considering the media attention, trans-gender surgery on teenagers isn't something that would be entered into lightly so i think that for those that do go through with it, it must in some way have been shown to improve their quality of life.
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