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(#132 (permalink))
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Sasahara (Offline)
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07-21-2009, 11:52 PM

more lies look up Joyce Foundation and the liberal group VPC
mccain is a Rino no matter what you say and will be booted from the party soon.
if obama did not back the fascist doctrine,thought crime laws and gun control he could publicly state this but obama backs all 3 on the sly. in fact obamas voting record shows he is a enemy of the 2nd. Another thing that mccain letting obama win the election has caused friction between our Ally Israel Obama insists on being Neville chamberlain and backing the Iranian dictators and the fake elections held in iran. Bush is a great leader who did all he could to defend America/Isreal/Japan and Western Civilization. Obama is also refusing to defend our ally Japan but stopping deployment of the missile defense shield and cutting deals with the russian dictatorship. I am sure Military Leaders in japan are concerned about obamas Neville Chamberlain/Jimmy carter ideals of appeasement.
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