Originally Posted by Columbine
You say liberal like it's a dirty word, and for the record, you in turn are grossly simplifying the matter.
I've already pointed out, gender identity has nothing to do with sexual orientation, so your point doesn't stand as far as I'm concerned; not from a bio-psychological approach. Gender does not equal biological sex nor does it equal sexual orientation. It's not based solely on hormones or chromosomes or genitalia but is a many-fold amalgamation of various different factors.
Considering you've already admitted you'd never even speak to a transgendered person you've already shown that you are largely ignorant and closed-minded about the subject.
I agree with you 100%. Just ignore that lil ignorant kid, AlanX. He probobly hasnt taken those types of classes in school that teach about this, or maybe he just didnt give a damn and didnt paid attention.