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(#185 (permalink))
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daelite (Offline)
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Location: USA
07-22-2009, 12:38 AM

Everyone has their own tastes in music and there will be parents and friends who may complain about your taste in music even if it's something mainstream or extremely popular in your home country. At the end of the day you should not take it to heart and listen to the music you want- but if you know friends or family don't like it then it's only polite to not blast it around them or force them to listen to it. If you didn't like their music and they made you listen to it you wouldn't like it either right

Many people judge "all American country music" as something they hate whether they've listened to a lot or not, or "all techno" etc. I don't think it's necessarily racist (well, Pearl Harbor comments are) so just take it in stride
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