Originally Posted by Tenchu
Kim Petras, Germany;
Kim Petras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She/he/it claims to have felt like a female since she/he/it was at age 2. After a long time, her/his/its parents realized it was not just a phase and supported her/his/its cutting her/his/its penis off at age 16.
Obviously, she/he/it is also a pop sensation somewhat, by the vid on YouTube, which is her/his/its own creation.
Perhaps Kim was destined to get a sex change. Waiting an extra 2 years (legal age in Germany is 18) may have been pointless. You could even argue that the media attention would be good for Kim; helping spotlight her/him/it may boost record sales.
Of course, regardless that this seems this way in every case, it does not change the fact that these laws are in place to protect misguided people. Most things that require you to be over 18 to part take in are that way for the simple fact that below that age you're barely mature enough to make any decent and lasting decisions. When you're young, you change your mind too easy.
It could be worrying if Kim is a pioneer, and many people cut their penis off at 16, but then change their mind and realize the decision was wrong.
Some children like to think they are dogs, maybe we should allow them to have "species reassignment surgery". Some people think they are Napoleon, maybe we should have "identity reassignment" surgery as well.
The world is full of stupid and confused people, particularly in the west where such people have the leisure to worry about such stupidly unimportant things as "sexual identity". This being the age of instant gratification, there are doctors who are more than happy to charge you a quick $100k or so to "make you into" a man or woman.
Unfortunately, these stupid and confused people often regret having their bodies mutilated. They find that they aren't really any happier after the surgery than they were before it, and that their new artificial sex organs transmit little/no sensation. After the surgery they find that they are unable to gratify themselves sexually, which means that whatever happiness they get from becoming a "man" or a "woman" is very shallow, if it exists at all.
Psychological evaluations are a sham. Psychologists and doctors nowadays are little different than mechanics, happy to prescribe medications and treatments, and to recommend more than necessary. The more "help" you need, the more money they can charge you for it.