Thread: Michael Jackson
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(#273 (permalink))
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Kozyra (Offline)
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07-22-2009, 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by PoissonApple View Post
Hell, you should know that not everybody believes in god!!!
And you should know, if you say that god gave him his voice, that also god made thim to this what he was!!!
Because you're saying that god makes a person, god is the creator, god knows everything and yo on. I know you're muslim, but you can't take one religion to everybody.
It is you choise to believe in your belief and to act in your belief.
You can't make this choise for everyone.

So please choose your words exactly. If you say that you like his music but not him, than it is ok because it is your opinion, but if you say you don't like him because of god and so on, than it is also your opnion but it have nothing to do with this here.
hmm I wanted to say more, but I've forgot it... well anyway.

Please choose your words exyactly next time.
1-We are talking now about MJ..not about God or something else....
I know that not everyone believe in I wrote:
sounds come God...not by anyone..
if you don't believe in God,just read :sounds come naturally.
if you are believe in God,just read:sounds come by God
and I think if you believe in God or don,t believe now that he didn't choose his sound
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