Originally Posted by SceptileMaster
Can you not buy a kana version of it?
I mean I don't know if it does or not but it might show elongated 'o' sounds as ō which could be either おう or おお and would make it very confusing.
I own both the Kodansha Learners and the NTC 新漢英辞典. The Kodansha is perfect in every way for a learner who is not at an advanced level yet. It is hands down the best paperback, dead tree dictionary you can get for a beginner-to-intermediate student of Japanese.
It was required for my language classes when I lived in Japan and the classes were taught exclusively in Japanese to a few Americans and a lot of Koreans and Chinese.
Don't sweat the romaji. A kanji dictionary is not a substitute for an actual dictionary anyway, plus I don't think there are that many kanji that have an おお in them. The only ones I can think of offhand are 大 and 遠. The lack of kana is so unimportant that I didn't even notice neither the Kodansha nor NTC have kana!
And no I don't thnk there's a kana version. That shouldn't stop you. A kanji dictionary is great for giving you tons of compounds and usage notes, and no kanji dictionary available in English is close to being as useful here as the two I've mentioned.