Originally Posted by MMM
I will never agree that pirates are fans. Never. If you are a fan, then you want the creators of what you enjoy to still be able to do it and put food on the table.
I second this. I personally like to preview any manga/anime I might be interested in before buying, if only to ensure I get my money's worth. Recently I download Death Note, watched several episodes and decided to go out and buy the entire series because I appreciated the work put into producing such a well done anime. Honestly, to purchase anything, is to show your appreciation for what those people do.
Also, don't assume that I'm trying to make d/l'ing anime right in my head. I'm presenting points the opposite camp of which simply says to "buy DVDs and be happy getting ripped off". NO manner of arguments can justify the high prices being charged on DVDs, nor piracy which, as you and many studios claim, is "killing the industry". If there does indeed come a time such that the anime industry implodes, a handful of creative entrepreneurs will find a way out of that mess. Rest assured, until that day comes, and even if it does, anime and manga is not going the way of the dodo.
Most fans are hasty and purchase the DVDs right when they come out, and obviously, they will be a bit pricey, as will any other medium upon immediate release. I've bought dvds for $15, and even then $20 is not incredibly expensive considering their equivalents in Japan.