Thread: Child Murder
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bELyVIS (Offline)
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07-23-2009, 02:55 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
That the majority of people bottle up their emotions and can be set off by almost anything?
I do not agree. How long have you lived in Japan, and how many Japanese people do you associate with on a regular basis?

There are crazy people anywhere, and no more or less in Japan.
I wouldn't say that a majority of Japanese people bottle up their emotions, but I saw many that did and then overreacted. I think that in their need to be polite they keep their anger inside until it is too much to bear. This happens to me to some extent but I'm much more quick to get angry so my reaction isn't quite as bad as what I saw in my opinion.

I lived in Japan for three years and worked for a Japanese company and saw this happen many times at work. This happened between us foreigners and the Japanese, also with the Japanese and other Japanese. I can't say that my company was different than other traditional Japanese companies but perhaps it was. It was a very stressful environment.

Also, my ex-girlfriend owned a very popular language and dancing school. She had many problems with students getting very angry over a very minor issues. It wasn't so much the one issue made them over react, but there was also many other things that they never expressed until they were having some kind of a emotional tantrum. One lady tried to have my girlfriend arrested because one of the other teachers was five minutes late for class. When this didn't happen, she reported to the police that students were selling used costumes(dancing costumes) and my girlfriend didn't have a resale license for selling used goods. Even though she was a Japanese citizen, but she was born in China, the police told her that she would need to send a native Japanese to get the license because there was a history test involved. This I don't understand at all, we found it funny at the time though

Maybe my experiences are different than what you are used to seeing. You have lived there much longer than I did and I don't question your opinion. All I can say is what I saw and how I perceived it.

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