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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-23-2009, 08:25 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
"TH" is quite an easy sound to teach, I find. Easy to explain; put your tongue at your teeth, blow a little, then continue with the rest of the word.

My wife's so cute learning: "... Thhh... Thhh... Thde."

It is teaching "V" that is hard. How do I turn "Wictory" into "Victory"? Or "R". The best I can do to bring the "R" sound out is practice dog growling sounds...
"V" is a voiced, labiodental fricative, meaning you put your lower lip (labio) to upper teeth (dental), cause air to go out your mouth with a stream between the teeth and lips (fricative) and have your voicebox vibrate (voiced).

If she can do an "f" then tell her that the change is like changing the "t" to a "d" because all you need to do from there is to vibrate the voicebox. T->D is just like F->V.
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