Originally Posted by wasabijuice
Japanese income taxes are insanely LOW. About 5% if you make 1senmanen or less. That's 100,000USD folks. In the states you'D be lucky to take home 60K of that. The problem is cost of living is skyhigh if you live in the city and like to use highways, eat meat and fruit etc. The reason there are so many expats here is the J-gov lets you keep most of your pay.
It'S amazing how much a government can save when you don't have to pay for 11 aircraft carrier battle groups, overseas military bases, etc.
Local taxes are however rising quickly, and will eventually be on par with western countries by the time we all retire.
Are you sure?!!
Anyway, here is a pretty basic overview of the Japanese income tax.
Japan Tax Laws Tax System Japan. - WorldWide-Tax.com