Originally Posted by MissMisa
Ugh what a horrible video!
The thought of it for me is entirely disgusting, but maybe that is because I never want children anyway. My best friend had a baby when she was 17. It's been tough for her, and I don't think it was the best life decision for her, but she's doing fine now. She's at college and she has a job. Those kind of mothers don't bother me.
Ones that do is the ones that sponge off the state and get all the free money, when I have to work damn hard to get my money and I'm scrounging for University and stuff. But that isn't teenage-mother specific, there are loads of chav-mums like that as well.
I know two people, who are frankly idiots, both my age, tried for a baby and she's now pregnant, with no job, no money, no school, no qualifications. What kind of idiots are they? It's safe to say I ain't friends with them anymore. They shouldn't be allowed to have a child they can't provide for, it's pretty evil to say the least. Poor kid.
MissMisa just summed a lot in one short post. In short you basically need a license to drive own a dog or to a number of things. But a completely unqualified, jobless reckless moron can have a child and responsible for another beings life when they cant even take care of their own. In the end we end up paying for their mistake through the taxes we pay.
Accidents do happen yes we all can be reckless at times. But if you dont want to have an abortion and you KNOW you are not in any type of financial situation to raise the child properly (im going to include mentally prepared as well) The option of adoption is always there. There are plenty of well off stable people who are unable to have children of their own who give a child a loving home and you can chose which family you think is best. There are so many options nowadays people just fail to make the right decisions and think things through carefully.
A child is not an accessory for you to look cute with when going out with your friends its a life treat it as such.