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duo797 (Offline)
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07-23-2009, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Hum, I would use:
"Tenshi wa nemurimasen." (天使は眠りません)
Please, wait for more versed people.
I think this is a nice try, but unless I'm horribly wrong this is actually more like 'The angel isn't asleep'. Also, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong as I very well could be on this part, you might want to use 寝る when you're saying 'to sleep' instead of the verb you chose.

Also, Kylegoetz, while I agree with your sentiment about the futility of getting a tattoo in language that isn't your own or you don't even know, I think you could tone down the anger a bit. I understand that it's annoying how tattoo requests get posted fairly often here, but telling someone to call their significant other an idiot is a poor way to deal with the situation. My experience with the internet is that starting such an argument is almost never ever fulfilling.
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