Thread: Are ROMs legal?
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07-23-2009, 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I find your logic fascinating. And a little frightening.
I find you blind.

[quote]If you buy the game you have the right to play the game, on the system it was intended. That means if I by Street Fighter for the PS3, I have not purchased the rights to play it on the PC or on a 360.

You have the right to make a back-up of a game. If a disc is damaged upon purchase you should take it back. If you break it, well, I am not sure why you think that gives you the rights to a new one for free. If I crash my car or rip my jeans I don't have a right to a new one for free.[quote]

Exactly, that's why I need to be provided with a backup of the copy. Haha, you just made my point more valid.

I wonder why you think protection of intellectual property rights is BS. What rights of YOURS are being infringed on, (assuming you are doing nothing illegal)?
I pirate, and a lot. And I buy only movies, programs that are worth it. As for music, I like the feeling when you have the original but as for listening for the first time, I always pirate. Hope these gives you an explanation how us pirates do stuff. Many people like you think pirates only pirate and never buy in their life... but you are just blind, very blind. I have repeated this word way too much now.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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