Originally Posted by MMM
And Valve is fighting piracy with some interesting new techniques that involve looking at their products in new ways. And it is working. Admitting there are a lot of pirates is not the same as endorsing them. Valve is finding ways to fight you, and I hope other companies follow suit in successful ways.
The TPB case was succesful, but how legal it was. The judge owned some copyright company himself. Epic, right? Truth is they can't win without using their strength. Legal organizations are a fud.[/quote]
I wouldn't call myself a "gamer" but I have consoles and I play them often. I DL demos at the PS3 store and 360 Marketplace and if I like the demo I'll buy the game. Like I said, I don't buy a lot of games, so when I do I make sure it's something I want. I am not sure what me playing games or not playing games has to do with it.
Where do you play GBA, or Nintendo DS demos?
I am not saying you should pay "because someone made it". I am saying it costs money to make games, and therefore costs money to play them.
But it costs way too much that it is supposed to cost. Quiz games cost the same as action games. How is that right? Let alone those 80$ games, like they have some super awesome thing in them, but the only awesome thing behind them is the giant company.