Originally Posted by sarasi
I'm sorry to disagree with you here as you provide a lot of great info on this site, but it has quite a lot to do with your income. A search on the internet has just confirmed that for me- here is some info from just one page: "Resident tax should be paid to the municipality where you live (as of January 1) during the period from June to May. The tax amount is calculated according to your previous year's income."
I know from my own experience that with the years I earn less (I sometimes do extra temp work, but the amount varies), I pay less resident's tax the following year.
I also know that my friend's husband, who is a highly paid executive, pays many times more resident's tax than I do, despite living in the same ward. How could they charge people with very different incomes the same amount? It just wouldn't work.
As I said above, the percentage you pay will vary by a few percentage points depending on where you live, but how much you pay is based largely on the previous year's income. That's how they calculate it.
But the rate varies also according to your location, it is not solely dependent on income.