The Prime Minister Aso dissolved the Lower House on July 21th, and a general election will be held on August 30th in Japan.
"the" before "prime minister" should be omitted unless you wanted to put "Aso" between two commas. Otherwise, it sounds fine to me. :3
As you may know, Japanese prime ministers change one after another. Mr. Aso took the seat of prime minister after two former prime ministers’ resigns.
I don't get the meaning of the first sentence? I'm guessing you just mean that they have different opinions? In the second sentence, you can omit "Mr." because it is not needed if you are using his last name. The second sentence doesn't fully make sense to me. I'm guessing you are trying to say "Aso became prime minister after the former minister's resignation." I'm guessing it would just be obvious and unneeded unformation.
He was elected by LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) members. Almost all the people can’t vote when a prime minister is elected, but only ruling party legislators can.
Your grammar is perfectly fine, but you need better word choice in the second sentence. I would estimate you were trying to say "When electing a prime minister, only the party regislators can vote."
They elect their boss, and then drag him down. I guess you would think Japanese people are packs of mutts.
The first sentence just needs to be changed to past-tense while adding "quickly" before "drag(ged)." I don't know what your intention was in the second sentence, but I'm guessing it is a joke describing Japanese elections.
Japanese people don’t attempt a coup d’état nor an assassination. Japanese people are meek, docile and quiet. I sometimes watch people in other countries rise against wanton treatment on TV.
The "don't" in the first sentence isn't a acceptable verb choice for what you are trying to get across. It would be better to use any of these "wouldn't/would not" instead. In the second sentence, just change "Japanese people" to a suitible pronoun. (I'm guessing "we" for including yourself or "they" if you want to exclude yourself from the comment.) Wanton treatment?
If that energetic people immigrated to Japan, Japan would be occupied by them. I think Japanese politicians may know that, so they ban immigration from other countries.
"that" should not be used in the sentence because it is the wrong form to use. You could either omit "that" or use "those" instead. Japan after the comma should be "it" to avoid repetition. "may" is not needed in the third sentence so you could omit it if you wanted. Otherwise, it's great!