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07-24-2009, 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I must be old.

Your perception of right and wrong and is so different from mine it is honestly disturbing.

The reason video game systems are still alive is because of Piracy.

The fact that you capitalize the word "piracy" is, I hope, just a pinky error. But if you honestly think this concept has any roots in reality tells me you live in a fantasy world much more fantastic than the n00bs that come here and think that Japan is like an anime series.

I don't need to tell you the Dreamcast was a much more popular system in Japan than it was in the US (though buyers, like myself, still think it is one of the best systems ever)...and it lived a longer lifespan with graduation-type games and mah-jong games that are a little more adult and have no audience in the US.

But saying "Piracy" is what keeps the video game market alive is as retarded as saying DWI's keep alcohol popular. Seriously. Pull your head out.
Finally, its about time it has happened. You showing some sort of emotion ^_^ I feel like a massive troll because it pleased me that I pissed you off, anyways, onto the convo.

I'm not trying to say that it currently keeps it alive, but what if the Dreamcast hadn't failed in the US? Would the other company's(Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft)Have made there newer consoles as protected as they currently are?

Also..I'm astounded at the numbers right 2008, the PC version of Spore was pirated 1,700,000 times..that $8,500,000 down the drain. Damn.

You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you

Last edited by Quailboy : 07-24-2009 at 07:59 AM.
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