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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-25-2009, 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
Racism is intended to make fun of or put down a race/culture.
Racism can be negative even when complimenting a race. For example, "All Japanese are good at math" is a racist statement. Repeated enough, it becomes a societal ill. Witness the dearth of Asian men in the US dating white women. It is because similar things have been repeated enough to convince people that Asian men are beta males, nerdy, bookish, and weak.

On the other hand, there are plenty of white males dating Asian women (I happen to be one).

But I will try to tone it down. Perhaps saying "idiot" was too much (although the entitlement of people joining a forum and making their first post "GIEV ME TATTOO" is annoying). But I still don't think "racist" is too far from the mark. Objectification of culture is racist. It is treating a culture or a race as something to be possessed for status. This is at a minimum offensive, if not racist.

And most people don't get kanji because they respect the culture. Most people (including those who get kanji tattoos) don't even know the difference between Japanese and Chinese, nor do they care! I'll repeat. They don't care! And if you can't see how treating a culture as something to be possessed while simultaneously not caring at all whether you can even accurately identify the source of the culture you are appropriating, well, I don't know what to say...
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