Friends, could you help me with these 2 sentences (1008...)? -
07-26-2009, 07:32 AM
Friends, could you help to translate it again?
1- 格好いいなあと思って(笑)Shin役のToshio Furukawaさんの声も僕は凄く好きなんですよ。
I don't understand the syntagmatic relationship.
Summarizing: Does he says that the thinks Toshio Furukawa's voice cool (gallant) before to say hes a fan of Mr. Furukawa and Mr. Furukawa has a wonderful voice?
2- 男の子ファンの多くも,Kenshirôに自分をダブらせて見ていてくれて,それが嬉し か っ たですね。
Synthesis.: Just as boy fans, I saw a Kenshirô inside myself (I saw me in him) when I was dubbing him. Its a pleasure. Is this correct?
Thank you very much.
Last edited by kenshiromusou : 07-26-2009 at 07:35 AM.