Thread: Relationship?
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Danzo (Offline)
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Posts: 10
Join Date: Jul 2009
Relationship? - 07-26-2009, 07:59 AM

Hello everybody. I'm not sure if this is exactly the right place for this. I'm sorry if it isn't. For the longest time I've wondered to myself if I would ever find a girlfriend.(I'm 17, and most people that I've meet believe that one should have a girlfriend before this age. For those that don't, they are sometimes made fun of. It's happened to me before.) However, the problem with this is that I don't simply want to have a girlfriend so that I can go around telling everyone that I have a girlfriend. Honestly, I just want to find someone special that cares about me, and I can feel the same way about her. To tell a little about myself, I'm 17 years old, I live in the US, and I like to draw. I'm also into anime, and video games. Spending time with my friends and family is also nice.
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