Thread: Relationship?
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(#2 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Laguna Beach, CA
07-26-2009, 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by Danzo View Post
Hello everybody. I'm not sure if this is exactly the right place for this. I'm sorry if it isn't. For the longest time I've wondered to myself if I would ever find a girlfriend.(I'm 17, and most people that I've meet believe that one should have a girlfriend before this age. For those that don't, they are sometimes made fun of. It's happened to me before.) However, the problem with this is that I don't simply want to have a girlfriend so that I can go around telling everyone that I have a girlfriend. Honestly, I just want to find someone special that cares about me, and I can feel the same way about her. To tell a little about myself, I'm 17 years old, I live in the US, and I like to draw. I'm also into anime, and video games. Spending time with my friends and family is also nice.
Why rush it?
When its meant to be it'll fall into place all by itself.
You don't have to advertise for a partner.
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