Originally Posted by NanteNa
It's funny how most Yaois always consist of the 'cold sexy guy' and the 'sensitive cute guy'.
Oh, and the DN one. XD SO CUTE! ''Are we at the beach?'' <3
I love all LxLight pairings, really.
Yeah, they´re GREAT! Raito looks so feminine, it had to end like this

I love this one, about arguing of position xD
About seme and uke position global..
I read simply summary of main story in yaoi.. I´ll try to translate it, people, don´t eat me because of it please..
"Yaoi proceeds according with defined scheme: Uke meets Seme, Seme rapes Uke, Uke hates Seme, Uke falls in love with Seme, Uke blames Seme that he doesn´t love him. Seme rapes Uke, Seme rapes Uke, Uke still loves him. Seme rapes Uke. Uke hates Seme and says that he never want to see him. Uke believes that he really don´t want to see Seme. Uke realizes that he miss Seme. Seme doesn´t care about where Uke is. Uke comes back to Seme, Uke wants to live forever with Seme. Seme rapes Uke, Uke still loves Seme and thinks that he just will have to bear with it somehow. Then it culminates somehow (I mean the manga) and whole story ends."
Lol, it wasn´t as hard as I thought
Here is original version if you prefer it

"Yaoi probíhá podle stanoveného schématu: Uke potká Semeho, Seme znásilní Ukeho, Uke nenávidí Semeho, Uke se zamiluje do Semeho, Uke vyčítá Sememu že ho nemiluje. Seme znásilní Ukeho, Seme znásilní Ukeho, Uke ho stále miluje. Seme znásilní Ukeho. Uke nenávidí Semeho a tvrdí že ho nechce vidět. Uke si říká, že Semeho vážně nechce vidět. Uke si uvědomí že mu Seme chybí. Sememu je to vcelku ukradené kde je Uke. Uke se vrátí k Sememu, Uke chce zůstat u Semeho. Seme znásilní Ukeho, Uke Semeho stále miluje a říká si, že to bude muset vydržet. Pak to nějak vyvrcholí (myslím mangu) a celá tortura skončí."