07-27-2009, 12:13 AM
While my blanket answer would be that 16 is too young to make this kind of decision I think the individual needs to be considered. Not everybody matures at the same rate and this person may be making the right choice. If it is a wrong choice they are the one who will have to live with it, not anyone else.
I met a lady who had been a man until they were almost 40. By the time he made the choice he was married for a long time and had father two children. They DID NOT understand when they came home from a vacation early and found him dressed in drag. At that point he confessed his intentions and his family rejected him. He was also much older when he became a woman so the transformation didn't wasn't as easy.
If a person really wants to make the change, young may be better so that their body isn't 100% mature yet and they don't get themselves into a family situation where they end up hurting anyone. I'd never use those as the best reasons for doing it so young though. Just something to consider.
Sorry for the TL;DR post!