Originally Posted by MMM
Let's pretend I am not an expert on 4chan. Why would AT&T want to do something like this, unless there is some sort of threat to them from the areas blocked?
There is no reason for it that we know of, sure the place has its share of nasty things on it, a lot of sites do, some are even worse than 4chan. But there are also some serious and noteworthy convos going on.
There is no threat to AT&T at 4chan..well, there wasn't anyways, I'm sure they are having a hell of a week now -_-
Originally Posted by alanX
Please pardon my french, but.... WTF IS 4CHAN?
I just went to it...
And I still have no clue what it is.
Its a very popular img board and forum, the main one is "random" and is primarely what AT&T blocked, along with a few other various sections.