07-28-2009, 01:23 AM
sono shitsumon wa totemo fukai you desu ne! itsumonotoori ni kanjikata wo siru no ga hontou ni taisetsu desu . dare ka to kono sekai ni sumu no ga waruku nai to omoimasu kedo, shouraizou ni yotte, sono you ni suru no ga kantan janai deshou. koibito wo mitsuketai n desu ga, honyakusha ya tsuuyakusha nimo naritai n desu. jouzu na tsuuyakusha ya honyakusha ni naru tame ni takusan ryokou suru hitsuyou ga aru deshou. moshi tsuuyakusha ka honyakusha wa koibito ga itara, sono hito kara takusan hedateru hitsuyou ga aru deshou. takusan hedateru to komaru deshou. ikuninka wa mondai ga aru koto nashi ni sono you ni dekiru you desu ga, ta no hito wa koufuku ja nai n desu. kizutsukete kizutsuku koto ni tsuite kangaeru no wa kanashiku saseru; ai suru no wa muzukashiku naranai hou ga ii ne.
that question seems really deep! As always, it's important to know how you feel. i don't think living with someone in this world is bad, but, depending on your vision of the future, doing so may not be simple. I want to find a lover, but i also want to become a translator and interpreter. In order to become a skilled interpreter and translator, one probably must do a lot of travelling. if an interpreter or translator has a lover, they'll probably have to separate from that person a lot. separate a lot and there is bound to be problems. some people are able to do so without having any problems, but others aren't so lucky. but thinking about hurting someone and being hurt makes me sad. loving shouldn't become difficult