Thank you very much, Nagoyankee

I just have two more questions.
Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
1) 1コしか違わねークセに高校生だからっていつまでも年 上面しやがって
“We’re not very different, but just because she’s a high school student she’s always going to act like she’s older.” ?
Nago: But she IS older if only by a year. 1コ in colloquial Japanese means "one grade" or "one year".
This confuses me now, lol. What does “いつまでも年 上面しやがって” mean? I thought that “面” meant to act or pretend.
Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
6) 部活ないのをいいことにせりを襲っ。。。襲うとは!
I don’t understand this at all.
Nago: It means "Only because (he) had no extra-curricular activity that day, he attacked Seri." At the very end, something like "How terrible!" is left unsaid.
So, does ~をいいことに mean “Only because of X they did Y”? Is it like, taking advantage of a certain circumstance and doing something?