Thanks a lot for your reply!
I'm really wondering how they are going to improve Rosetta stone though!
And I hope they do it soon, I want to learn it faster and faster!

It's a shame I won't be able to get the 100% pure native accent but with practice I'll try to get as closely as possible!
I already have felt a few setbacks which caused me some depressed feeling over a few days.
Things tend to get pretty hard at a few points, I really had a problem with counting items in Japanese at first.
That they have to describe the size of the object with the counting of that object.
"Chiketto ichi mai kudasai" for instance seemed strange and weird at first.
I never thought of saying "1 flat object ticket please"
But it somehow manages to stick in your brain as did the word order which is the exact opposite of what English or any other western language is.
I've looked on amazon for the three volumes of Genki, they don't seem very expensive!
I've ordered volume I just now for a trial run.
If I like the books I'll buy them both of course.
Would you know of any exchange site/forum for skype users?
It seems a little "scary" though speaking to a Japanese native/student with the limited knowledge that I now possess.
You're always afraid of making mistakes even though it is only natural that you do.
My ultimate goal is to be able to speak and understand most Japanese by next year july.
I'm not talking about being fluent or anything, just being able to make conversation on normal everyday subjects is good enough for me.
It should be possible right?
I see some of my friends who only study Japanese for 1 hour a week and they make great progress.
Seeing that I study Japanese for over 2 hours a day I should be able to reach my goal right?
Also thanks again for your tips and for the book titles!
The more study material the better, I'm shredding through it at high speed at the moment