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bELyVIS (Offline)
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07-29-2009, 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by GTJ View Post

There's also this big huge black guy... I think he's called Billy or Bobby... anyway he's an intelligent guy with great Japanese skills, but when he's on TV he plays the hulking giant with a pea-sized brain and the most unintelligible Japanese ever. The shows always make fun of how you can't understand anything he says. It's a shame he puts on this persona, but hey, that's showbiz.
Bobby intelligent? You must be talking about some other guy because the Bobby I saw was anything but. He was on a show where the contestants try to eat for the least amount of money and to save money he went out into a field and was picking weeds and plants to cook. Since he had no idea what he was picking he got a hold of something bad and ate it. He got very ill and went to the hospital. Doesn't sound too smart to me. If it is just an act, he's very good.

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