Thread: Japan Noob
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bigpun (Offline)
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Location: Uk
Japan Noob - 07-29-2009, 09:30 PM

Hi all,

I'm a brand new member just joined up after lurking for a while now.

So, i've always wanted to go to Japan and a few weeks ago I decided enough was enough and I plucked up the courage to book a ticket to head out. I'm flying out by myself, but meeting a friend who currently lives out there.

I'll be out there for around 2 weeks, and plan to visit Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, and then hopefully onto climb Mt Fuji

While i'll be with my friend for the first week or so, because of his work commitments the second week i'll be venturing out on my own rather than being restricted as to what I can do.

I'm really excited and the experience will be great! I am a bit nervous though about being alone in such a different place, so if anyone has any tips then i'd love to hear your advice - or even better, if there's anyone out in the Tokyo region in a couple of weeks who wants to meet up that'd be great

Thank's for reading
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