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GTJ (Offline)
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07-29-2009, 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by Xentron View Post
In the beginning I would hear a word, translate it into English and then continue onto the next one.
This would take so long to actually translate a entire sentence, too long if you're watching a show and a Japanese person is speaking at full speed.
Now I tend to slowly translate everything using images instead just like you would with your own language.
When you hear "Tamago" you just know it's an egg or when to greet you know which greeting to use instead of thinking up it's English equivalent first.
Yeah, you've got the right idea. What helps me is images. When I hear a Japanese word, I don't see the translated word in my head, I see the meaning. So when you say tamago, I see an egg. When someone says tomodachi, I see a friend or I get the feeling associated with that. You have to try to reassociate things, rebuilt those neural pathways. You'll get it, man, you definitely have the right attitude and determination!

Just keep coming back whenever you need help or wanna talk about it!
It helps that all the menus in this forum are in Japanese. Especially if you have Rikaichan installed! (It's a great firefox plugin, I highly recommend it)
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