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Sangetsu (Offline)
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07-30-2009, 03:50 AM

To be a public school teacher you'll need a minimum of a 4 year degree in education. A masters degree would be better, and would make you eligible for higher pay.

As for the starting salary of public school teachers, it is nothing close to $50k per year. It's more like $29k to $33k. As I mentioned earlier, you'll be eligible for higher pay if you have a higher level degree, or a degree in either math or science.

Teachers get regular increases in pay, and in time you can earn a decent living. However, in many places right now teachers are being laid off due to government cutbacks in spending. In Florida (where I used to live) the problem is especially severe.

If you want to make decent money as a teacher, stay in college and get at least a masters degree.
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