konnichiwa. genki desu ka? amerika de nihongo wo benkyou shiteru hito to sono gengo wo kiwameru koto ni tsuite hanasu no ga hontou ni ii aidea da to omoimasu. sono you ni suru koto kara takusan manaberu to omoimasu yo. skype de nihongo de kaitari hanashitari iken wo nobetari suru koto ni tsuite hanasu no mo ii aidea desu ga, sunni no jikakutai ni tsuite shiru hitsuyou ga arimasu. illinois ni sunde imasu. sunni to hanasu no ga hontou ni tanoshii deshou to omoimasu. messeeji wo matte imasu. sayounara
hello, how are you. i think that talking to people who are studying japanese about mastering that language is a really good idea. we can learn a lot from doing as such. talking about writing, speaking, and expressing opinions in japanese is also a good idea but, i need to know about your time zone. i live in illinois. talking with you is probably real fun. waiting for you message.. bye bye