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07-30-2009, 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by KaiTea View Post
Currently, I am taking a class once a week to just keep up with learning. I am the type of person who wants to be ahead of the class, or wants to know what is going on before the teacher covers it... I guess it prevents me from being embarrassed when my teacher asks me "So, please say this..." It is actually embarrassing to me when I stutter when reading Japanese. x_x
Yeah, I'm the same way. I like to be as far ahead as possible.. in fact, I usually like to be just a little bit ahead of myself. If I'm close to mastering a particular grammar point or vocab set, I'll start looking at a new one while I finish up, to kind of overlap and keep up the momentum while at the same time challenging myself by going over things that are beyond me at that time. Which I then learn.

Try not to "overdrive your headlights", as it were. Don't go studying causative-passive just after mastering -te form. Pace yourself and you'll soon figure out what you should be studying and when!

But! That only means that I am learning, right?
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