Originally Posted by GTJ
I know what you're talking about, Xentron, insofar as the classroom is concerned, but believe you me, once you no longer have access to that support structure, your'e gonna want it.
Whether you realize it or not, the class is your biggest motivating factor. When you aren't gunning for that A or trying to surpass your peers, it's easy to get sucked up in the rest of life and rarely find time for study. So really, you need the class.
On top of that, you need the resource that is your teacher. Remember that he or she is not only a native speaker, but they have learned how to TEACH their native language. They can explain things to you in ways you will never think of by yourself, or see in a book. They can translate words, ideas, and concepts, and present it to you in a way you can understand. Teachers are an invaluable resource.
If you wanna skype, PM me and I'll send you my skype name. I'm on now, actually! XD I'm around JLPT 2kyuu with my Japanese so there's definitely a few things you could learn from me, I think. 
A teacher in my mind is a invaluable person, of course at some point I would need him to improve.
But using a private tutor instead of one that teaches a group seems like a better choice for my self at the moment.
Now let's just hope he doesn't charge me hundreds per lesson though...
I would love to get on skype, I'll be on in a few hours since I'm still at work right now (British time zone).