Originally Posted by komitsuki
Seriously. You really want to respect bunch of students for starting a huge social destruction, that China still can't handle due to its socio-cultural reasons? As a proud descendant of a minority in "Communist China" (one of fifty-six represented people) who still respect the CCP, this is a huge insult.
So let me get this straight because of whatever hang up you have and your personal views (which seems to over shadow every damn topic ever posted) your insulted by this persons CHOICE in a hero when he has ever right to choose someone as you do to hate them.? His opinion of choice is not wrong because you deem it so. Who are you to say who anyone choses as a hero? obviously this poster felt strongly about what this person did and it touched him and shaped his life accordingly. Out of all the comments you have ever made this one pissed me off so much i had to fuc**** punch something