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07-30-2009, 05:21 PM

During my flight to Tokyo, there was a full family, wearing some sort of creepy tourist uniform, we're talking the straw hat, Hawaiian shirts (except for the mom who was wearing a Hawaiian muumuu), the Bermuda shorts, and sandals, with cameras around their necks, and the kids were teenagers, so all I can say is, don't wear that or I will cut you. (I won't cut you, I'll just lose all respect that I have for you, which is quite a bit since you are concerned about appropriate clothing to wear in a foreign country, unlike that woman in Malta who kept walking into the church with bear shoulders, and as the Maltese are very conservative Catholics, that was a definite no-no, which I knew, but she clearly didn't do her research).

Sorry, ridiculous tourists wearing inappropriate clothing is a pet-peeve of mine.

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