Thread: Osaka or Tokyo?
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(#23 (permalink))
Mikanena (Offline)
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Osaka - 07-31-2009, 07:30 AM

I actually lived in Osaka for a good month and a half as a foreign exchange student. I have never been to tokyo... except to catch a plane. So therefore I will say OSAKA! It's extremely nice! Kyoto is just a small distance away. The kansai dialect is fun to hear! The people are SOOOOO friendly and will always have a chat with you or let you know some directions. There are nice tourist like places, AMEMURA, Shinsaibashi, namba, right in osaka. (good for shopping) and OF COURSE the food!!!!!! Osaka has a very different taste in their food... but it is definitely YUMMY! Try going for some of the stands... or the basement malls! Cheap and yummy food. I guess it depends if you want to go more traditional and leisure like... go ahead for osaka (even though their night life is pretty cool too) but if you want more of a tourist and WAH exerience..... with a great shopping spree and cool lights then head for Tokyo...(my host sister loves going there... haha)
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