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(#21 (permalink))
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Hisuwashi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 541
Join Date: Sep 2006
03-25-2007, 10:05 PM

Where the river falls into the lush oasis deep in the jungle of the Pride Lands, they say that the fairies dance on fair moonlit nights. Each evening, Kalthar visited the oasis, and knelt down to listen to the wisdom of the great fairy, Mairenn.

"Welcome again Kalthar... what is it you seek this time?"

"I'd like to know what to do to begin my journey to discover about the Ancient Keyblade war. However, I do not posses a Keyblade of my own..."

"Very well. I believe you are ready for this journey, and I sense there is great potential in you Kalthar, so I will give you this magic Keyblade if you wish to have it."

"That is a very kind offering, ma'am. I shall take it! Thank you very much."


"You are welcome... However I would not give this to any ordinary person, which means you're pretty special. Now, you should return to Twilight Town. Your friends will need your help. Good luck Kalthar. Farewell!"

So Kalthar returned to Twilight Town. When he finally reached it, he heard strange noises sounding from the manor. He promptly ran inside to see what was up. Inside, he saw his friend Nakama battling fiercely with Nobodies.

"Hey Kal! About time you got your ass over here!"

"Yo Nak! How ya been?"

~ Wind Song ~
~ Windlied ~
~ Chant du vent ~

Last edited by Hisuwashi : 03-26-2007 at 08:47 PM.
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