07-31-2009, 12:05 PM
So Japan will vote in a new crop of pampered and corrupt empty suits to replace the current crop. Is it any wonder why so few people bother to vote? People here have been waiting to see what "change" is occurring in America after last year's election, and they are not surprised to see that there hasn't been any. American war spending is now higher than it was when Bush was in office, the troops are still in Iraq, and health care reform is progressing as well as it did back in 1991.
The only thing election season means to people in Japan are speaker trucks, posters, and the usual speeches detailing the usual promises, which, as usual, are never kept. Instead of wasting time and expense on elections, the names of qualified people should be put into a hat. Kimu Taku can put draw the lucky winner on "Cooking with SMAP", then at least the majority of people in Japan will be watching and will know who the prime minister and other ministers are without having to do an internet search. And maybe the country will end up with a leader who doesn't have to sell his soul to the highest bidders to get "elected".