07-31-2009, 03:10 PM
where you were raised has a strong impact on your values and ethics as well as culture and customs. an inter-racial relationship will have more culture differences than one where both parties have the same country of origin.
all of my relationships has been inter-racial because i grew up in an area where it was hard to find other asians. in all of my relationships, i always noticed there were very basic differences between us that were irreconcilable.
for example, in my latest relationship, my ex said if we ever had kids we would not be paying for their college. that completely goes against everything i've been taught about being a good parent. my parents paid for my college and is continuing to help fund my master's. in my family, even if i was 40 something and was having financial problems, my parents would be available to help me.
another difference is that whole last name business. i'm very proud of my last name and my ex was very proud of his. if i ever got married i would not be changing my last name. he was very offended by this.
these small yet important cultures differences have basically wrecked all of my relationships.