Originally Posted by Tenchu
Quotes from Wiki:
Gender identity disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No scientific consesus obviously means the results were pretty sketchy.
Case moderatly rested...
So why does the government declare such things when scientific consensus is not in unison? What I said before; social rest and equality. Recognizing something as "real" has nothing to do with the truth in it, really.
WHY would anyone use Wikipedia for defining a medical condition?! Its not realiable on many things and frequently tainted by contributor bias.
The standard base reference on gender identity is the DMS IV (psychiatric diagnostic manual - version 4) and it is available online.
Gender Dysphoria is accepted as primarily psychologicaland generally defined solely in psychological terms. But research since the 1990s has revealed chromosomal and chemical evidence that strongly supports the contention that in many (but not all) cases, the dysphoria has a biological basis or trigger.
Personally I have dealt with at least two cases that were not in that category - they were purely psychological without biological support. One of them successfully transitioned, the other had an extremely hard time adjusting after the surgery. In fact, the second one had more problems socially after the surgery that during her pre-op years living as a female in preparation for the change.
Reading through the posts here gives the impression that sexual reassignment surgery is just something you choose and go have done.
It is not, and should never be, that simple. This is MAJOR surgery, no matter which way the switch it being made, and recovery time is neither easy or short in duration. And reputable surgeons will not perform it without records of extensive phychological therapy and trials. Sure there are always hacks that can be bought it you have enough cash, but its a really bad option. Even the best surgeons find this operation challenging to do properly.