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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
03-26-2007, 12:24 AM

Go to the Tokyo Metropolitan offices in Shinjuku first or soon after arrival. In Japanese it is just called Tokyo Tocho. It is connected to one of the Shinjuku exits (there are like over fourteen exits). In the base of the towers is an office for the Tokyo tourism board that has handouts on recommended sightseeing spots, directions on how to get there, free maps and brochures for hotels and the like.

To be honest, those weekly rates you are looking at may be a really good idea. If you are going to stay in a hostel or a capsule, it will may be around 4,000 yen a night. A nice hotel can cost you around 8,000 to 12,000 yen a night. Another thing to consider is whether or not you will be able to cook meals and wash clothes easily. Eating out every meal will get really costly and finding a place to do laundry might be a pain. But yeah, post the prices for those places you are looking at. If it is around four hundred for two weeks, that is about average for half a month's rent in Tokyo. Actually it is fairly cheap.
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